Consular legalization of documents is used in cases where the country of destination is not a party to the 1961 Hague Convention. This procedure implies going through a full cycle of verification and certification of documents, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the consulate of the state.

Legalization at a consulate of a foreign state is a multi-stage procedure that requires the applicant to carefully and scrupulously collect the required package of documents. The consulate of each country has its own procedures regarding the legalization of documents with established deadlines and a sequence of actions when working with papers.
To save your nerves and time, you can contact our specialists. We will advise you on the timing and cost of consular legalization, help you prepare the necessary package of documents and submit them to the appropriate receiving authorities. You can order the consular legalization service by leaving a request on our website, or by contacting our specialists by phone or e-mail.